Tuesday, October 12, 2010

he is so cute!

he does the cutest things! he has fake coughed and sneezed,i will say "bless you",and he will act like he is sneezing,so cute!" same thing with the coughing because I will say 'are you okay?" the thing is,its easy to figure out when he is faking or when he is really coughing,but he thinks we dont know the difference. hehee! he dances to mickey mouse club house,I make a big deal about this because he is adorable when he dances!!! he knows i love it when he dances,so to try to get out of his crib faster,he will dance for me! lol! so cute! his favorite show is mickey mouse clubhouse,and he will light up when I say "you wanna watch micky mouse clubhouse?  he loves music,he loves the music in church and the music i play for him at home,he dances away and also waves around his hands,it looks like he is playing the piano! lol! he makes cute babble noises,he also has a really cute kissey face that he does,and a face we call the popeye look! so adorable! we are so excited for the future! wow christmas is goign to be sooo fun this year!!! before James,we teyed hard to make christmas special,but it always ended up being a little on the sad side,christmas isnt always a happy occasion for everyone. we must remember the ones that are sad and lonely,not just think about ourselves and how good we have it,but reach out to those who need us.

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