Tuesday, October 12, 2010

the call!!!

It was just an ordinary day...I was pulling weeds in our front yard,and then I just didnt really want to pull them anymore,was fed up! lol! so I went inside,had some lunch,and then my caseworker called and said there was a child they were considering for our family,and that there was five families they were considering,so I was like...hmmm what are the odds? and with our rotten luck,I felt that maybe someone else would be blessed with this child. the odds were stacked against us. we arent rich,I have a cronic illness,so I just didnt think it was possible to be chosen. we have had a lot of "failures" in the kid department,i mean,one after the other in every way! lol! so we werent too optimistic! so when I got a second call saying they had picked us for adoption,I had a complete panick attack! lol! I told Ronny "i need air! lets get out of here!" we were the happiest couple in the whole world! and nervous as well! we were going to become parents!!

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