Tuesday, October 12, 2010

the first visit!

we were so nervous for the first visit! It was actually at the hospital!! he had a doctors appt,and they asked us if we wanted to wait until after his doctors appt,and we said "no! we want to see him now!!!" we were sooo excited! and iI thought I was gonna cry when I first saw him,but I didnt,but I did in the car on the way up to see him! it was overwhelming that we were on our way to meet our son! It also took me a while to realize..wow I can call him my son??? this is so cool!!! I am glad we had a son first! I want our family name to be carried on,and James...he is sooo sweet! anyways,lol,when we met him,he was WAY cuter than we expected! lol! I kept saying "he is so cute!!!" we had to wait in the waiting room for a while,so we were talking to him in the waiting room. both Ron and i couldnt take our eyes off of him!!! he was adorable!!! the fact that we were going to be able to take this sweet baby home didnt register at that time. i remember him looking up at us and babbling in his cute baby language,and I remember him liking us! =)  It was special when Ron got to hold him! so special,he was all "hi!",and he is really good with babies,so it was very cute to watch him interract with James. the doctors appt was so funny! there was us,a social worker,a facility worker,and a caseworker,and someone else....the doctor was suprized to have so many people there for a doctors appt! lol! they checked him out,and he was doing just great! James was born at one pound,11 ounces,and had some serious stuff going on that they were able to fix without any problems,but im sure at first it was a very scarey situation...but he has THRIVED! he's such a happy little boy! we are sooo blessed to have him! after the doctors appt,we headed over to the medical facility where he was living...it was interesting to see where he was living and who was taking care of him this whole time. I really appreciate what the medical staff has done for James!! I cant even begin to describe how thankful I am! i am also thankful for the birth mom and dad,in who we do not know,but if it werent for them,we wouldnt have this wonderful little boy!

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