Wednesday, October 13, 2010

we're all sick!!!

so,I decided to join a gym...thought it was a good idea...well it was,but they had a daycare there,and I was all COOL! so I put James in daycare for the time that I worked out....then he started getting sick. Im still going to go to the gym,but only go when Ron is home so that I dont have to leave him in there. Its sick season,and James being a premie...he gets sick more often,so I have to be more careful. you live and learn i guess. I do get instincts though motherly instincts! lol! and I felt off the bat not to let him stay in there,but I thought I was just being overprotective...nope! there was a reason for it!!! Ron had a sore throat today,I was feeling run down and slept at James's nap times...better than he did! lol! I had a sore throat only in the morning,but then started feeling better in the afternoon a bit. was suppose to work today,but James being sick,and him coming to work with me now...Im going to clean that house next week instead. I was wiping James's buggers off of him all day...he wasnt too enthused..niether was I! lol!

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